Does she know she'll have to buy a CF card too? If she doesn't want to
spend more than $1K, maybe she'd be better off getting a used Canon D30 &
used lens.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "William M Kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:33 PM
> Subject: Re: Word on New Digitals?
>> Alex,
>>     You're right about it being the better choice, but this is difficult
>> for me to explain to her.  The Canon comes with a lens for 999, while
>> the Pentax is 1300 with the lens counting the rebates.
>> IL Bill
>> On May 17, 2004, at 9:27 PM, alex wetmore wrote:
>> > On Mon, 17 May 2004, William M Kane wrote:
>> >>     A friend of mine is looking at digital SLR's, but doesn't want to
>> >> spend more than $1000 USD on such a beast.  Canon has a model that
>> >> fits
>> >> these specs, but I'd like her to buy a Pentax, so that we can trade
>> >> lenses around . . . and so I can help her learn to operate it without
>> >> learning a new camera.
>> >
>> > The *ist D is $1050 with the $200 rebate when you purchase it from
>> > B&H or any other retailer that sells it for $1250.
>> >
>> > For that $50 you get a real pentaprism viewfinder instead of
>> > a pentamirror one, a larger viewfinder, a better build
>> > construction, and a smaller camera.
>> >
>> > Seems like a deal to me.
>> >
>> > It sounds like your friend doesn't own any lenses yet, and this
>> > rebate does assume that they purchase the 16-45/4 lens.  It is a
>> > great primary lens for the *ist D though.
>> >
>> > alex

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