>> Holy insecticides, they've never seen eBay before!
>Nor have they seen anything from Pentax since the SFX...  Now that's scary
>because, except for the ME-F that was Pentax's first AF 35mm camera...
>And Reagan was in the White House (with dubya's dad as VP)
>Maggie won a third term
>Televangelist Jim Baker was banging Jessica Hahn
>Gary Hart was banging Dona Rice on the "Monkey Business"
>The USS Stark was hit by a missile from an Iraqi plane (the more things
>A bunch of people were kidnapped in Lebanon
>A West German Kid landed a plane in Red Square
>There was still a West and East Germany and a Soviet Union!
>The Iran-Contra hearings were going on
>Some French dudes sank Greenpeace's boat "Rainbow Warrior" in Auckland
>Martha Stewart signed a contract with K-Mart
>Oh and some dudes with shovels started trying to chunnel out of England...
>Only mistake is that they were heading towards France.

Oooh! Cutting!

Also: the virus Dobo.exe was still only a few lines of code in a
suspension liquid somewhere.


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