
The 3% you refer to is for all computers - POS, servers, cash machines, etc. etc. etc. I think you will find that in the domestic/home market it is more like 10-15%, and in certain creative sectors more like 70-80%.

iPods made a nice profit for the company but so did desktops and portables. They break even on music sales.

As far as I am aware (and I stand to be corrected if wrong) there are no viruses for Mac OSX. Vandals will spray anywhere. If you are saying virus writers are the same then they should have hit OSX by now - it has been out since 91.

Nice sig. I am also the Editor of a magazine, that doesn't mean that I am inherently right about everything. Most of the PC press is notable anti-Apple - looks like you are just another one of many. I really don't understand your hostility - the products are really A+.

With all due respect I have an opinion that I am voicing and prepared to defend just like anyone else. Obviously the thread will end when people stop posting to it - you included - like all threads on this list.


On 20 May 2004, at 21:29, Brian Dipert wrote:

Apple's worldwide computer market share is less than 3% and has been on a
steady slide for a number of years. Most of the growth in the computer
market going forward will be in so-called 'Third World' countries where
Apple's elevated pricing versus Linux- and Windows-powered alternatives
(despite your protests to the contrary) will increasingly limit its success.
Last quarter, the company sold more iPods than it sold computers, and
generated all of its profit from the music side of the business. Yesterday,
Apple announced that the iPod group was being split out into a distinct
division of the company. Recent studies indicate that there are now more
copies of Linux running on client (notice, I'm not including servers)
computers than there are copies of the Mac O/S, and this disparity will only
grow in the future. Do you see the writing on the wall? And before you go
off on a tirade of a response:
1) look at my email sig. And think to yourself......hmmm, maybe this guy
knows something about what he's saying. And
2) realize that I have 12" iBook and 15" PowerBook units sitting here that
I'm reviewing, and that I've had numerous lengthy conversations with Apple
over the past few months on these topics.

Virus writers are no different than vandals with spray cans. They target
where they can do the most visible damage, where they get maximum return on
their investments. The Mac O/S is not inherently more secure than Windows.
It's simply less commonly used. So it's generally (note, as has been pointed
out to you in past days, there ARE viruses and worms that target it) ignored
by the virus-creation community.

With all due respect: you are biased. You are incompletely informed. And I
think I speak for the majority of the Pentax Discuss community when I say
that I'm tired of seeing your digest-filling posts on this topic. You've
ridden this horse far far too long. It's time to get off the horse and give
us all a rest.
Brian Dipert
Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
EDN Magazine:
5000 V Street
Sacramento, CA 95817
(916) 454-5242 (voice), (617) 558-4470 (fax)
Visit me at

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