Hi Ken,

Thanks for your comments.

On 20 May 2004, at 22:33, KT Takeshita wrote:

On 5/20/04 3:13 PM, "Antonio Aparicio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It is what happens in free speech loving democracies.

Hi Antonio,

No, PDML is not the place for exercising the right of free speech.
I think this is becoming too much. Each list (like PDML) has its own
culture nurtured over the years. What I (and most others) cherish in this
list, besides being force fed all kinds of misc non-Pentax knowledge you
care to know, ranging from Australian Vegemite to a never-heard-of beer
brand (beer is another no-no subject, BTW. If you really want to turn
otherwise legitimate thread into OT, just a drop a word beer and that will
do :-), is remarkable tolerance and self-control. PDML is one of rare lists
of this kind where male as well as female (and anyone in-between :-) can
safely participate in. Newcomers are usually very warmly welcomed and
Yes, they discuss OTs (and most threads for some reasons, drift away and end
up in some sort of OT :-) but normally the self-control kicks in and they
make natural death. This is because people know by experience what to do,
what not to do and when to stop. I think the reason why people here resent
you is not what you say (they care less whether Mac is better than PC or
vice versa) but the fact that you react to each post bearing your name and
continue the argument for the sake of the argument.

Besides, the youngest member here is Coty (and at 70, he is still kicking
:-). And when people look like verbally abusing each other, they are
usually old timers, having nothing better to do, and just exchanging jabs.
So, Antonio, go slow. When people here feel threatened that someone new
brought in a new culture which might alter the current culture, and might
change the traditional and tacit rules, they react. Sticking to your gun to
the end in OT thread is a definite no-no. If you felt that you muddied the
water inadvertently, make a quiet and honourable exit, and you lose nothing.
Only the experience tells you. I for one will exit the list quickly if this
list becomes like any other (like rec.photo....)

You articulate your point well, and would be a good contributor to the list,
but for God's sake, please do not attempt to have the last word which will
drag the thread on and on, you are picked on for that, and you react.....
Never stops.

Yes, I know Mac is a better tool :-), yes, I am a Mac worshipper, yes, I
have a 12" PowerBook, and yes, I too throw in "Mac's the best" remark once
in a while (with tongue in cheek, of course) just for the fun of muddying
the water (and get a lot of flaks of course), but if you are SERIOUS in
trying to convince people that Mac is better, you are basically telling PC
users that they are stupid, and there are better forums to do it. Besides,
not even Mac has been very successful in getting the point across, and how
can you :-).

I feel sorry for watching you alienated by sticking to your gun.

OK, Mac is better.  The end of story and move on!



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