On Thu, 20 May 2004 17:23:24 -0600, you wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- 
>Subject: Re: A 15mm-85F2 (was RE: 77 limited or 85* for
>>  Portrait
>> lenses don't have to be sharp!!!
>This is not to imply that the M85mm is soft, I hope.
>What I don't understand is the insistence of extremes that this list
>is so fond of.
>The M85 may not be as sharp as the K585, for example, but this
>doesn't mean it isn't a good sharp lens, it just means that the K is
>Apparently, the M 28mm suffers from the same crisis of quality.
>Perhaps there are better lenses out there, but it's not like as if
>the M is crap.
>William Robb

The*istD and idle hands make for some easy comparisons.  Please flame
away all you like about how bad this is for a lens test, it pleases
me, so that heck wit ya, na na na na naaa.  I chose a subject distance
suitable for the lens in question, i.e. 3.3 meters for the 85mm, which
gives a full head-and-shoulders shot.

I used Rob's excel spreadsheet to calculate lpmm for three lenses at
available apertures f2-f8: the M85/2, FA 100/2.8 Macro, and a manual
focus Vivitar VS1 28-105/2.8-4 (fairly new cheap lens, not some old
cult classic). 

Shots were manually focused.  I used the *istD mounted on a nice
stable Ries wooden tripod, 2-sec mirror prefire, actuated by the cable
release I modified from PZ to istD using PDML instructions (thanks
guys).  Numbers such as 0,3 show the group and pair resolved.  The
test target is one I keep pasted on the rec room wall for just such
misadventures as this.

The short story - from f2 through f4, the M 85 at 3.3 meter subject
distance is the clear winner, and maintains a slight edge at f5.6 and
f5.  This was surprising to me, but heck I saw it with my own eyes.  

The 100/2.8 Macro resolves one small increment more at f8, being Group
0, Pair 6, but the spreadsheet penalizes it a bit for 100mm length vs
85mm, so the lpmm value is smaller.

2       0,3     48.9
2.8     0,3     48.9
3.5     0,3     48.9
4       0,4     54.9
5.6     0,4     54.9
8       0,5     61.6

FA 100/2.8 Macro        
2.8     0,4     46.7
4       0,4     46.7
5.6     0,5     52.4
8       0,6     58.8

Vivitar Series 1
at 105mm
4       0,4     46.7
5.6     0,5     52.4
8       0,5     52.4

John Mustarde

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