On Tue, 25 May 2004, Jens Bladt wrote:
> I'm glad I'n not the only one with a F717.
> Your shots are very nice. I like your butterfly the best. It's brilliant.
> Perfect focus/DOF. I believe digital is better for close-ups (greater DOF
> due to smaller format) than landscapes, where resolution is often crusial.

I agree.  Digital cameras are great for macro and closeup work.

> Actually I'm a little afraid to get disappointed with the *ist D (should I
> ever get one) - it's just one more MP at the cost of 300% of that of the
> SONY. www.dpreview says it's the best resolution they have seen yet on a 5MP
> camera. They even compare the image quality with that of the Olympus E-1! AS
> I have said before, I can'ot believe Pentax hasn't made a digital camera
> like this (all-in-one). It would porbably be a great success.

What makes the *ist D a wonderful upgrade is the higher ISO of the
camera.  I can shoot in much lower light with much less noise than I
ever could with the F717.

The F717 has about three stops more noise than the *ist D (ie, ISO 100
on the F717 is about as noisy as ISO 800 on the *ist D).  This is
really cool for handheld available light photography.

The low noise as ISO 200 and 400 is also amazing.  That butterfly shot
took a lot of post processing to make a decent 13x19 print of, mostly
due to distracting noise.  I think that it would have been a lot
easier if it had been shot at ISO 200 on the *ist D.  That shot was
made at ISO 100 on the F717 and there is still a lot of noise.


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