Hi, Mark,

I'm replying to the list because my e-mails to you got bounced back (I tried sending from two different accounts). I did send an e-mail to your [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.

Anyway, ...

Is the 50/1,.4 still available? The K2 keeps nagging, "Can we buy it? Can we buy it?" I don't know why it doesn't appreciate the nice M series 50/1.4 I gave it -- it just keeps muttering something about "... not authentic to the original K series bodies."


I'm selling my near-prefect-condition SMC 50/1.4 (it took me months of
eBay scouring to find one in this condition). $75.00 + shipping. It's
about as close to perfect condition as you're ever likely to find.
Photos at

Please give this lens a good home!

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing


Joe Wilensky
Staff Writer
Communication and Marketing Services
1150 Comstock Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2601

tel: 607-255-1575
fax: 607-255-9873

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