Friday, May 28, 2004, 12:08:40 PM, Alan wrote:
AC> I really don't think anyone really cares what the original scene looked
AC> like. Every photo we have seen in magazines have been heavily "enchanced" to
AC> capture our attention. Just look at those super saturated National
AC> Geographic photos! Btw, Auto Contrast seldom works for me. It has the
AC> tendency to overdo.

Hi Alan,     when you get into the Levels or Curves window, press the
Options button to customise the way AutoLevels and AutoColour and
AutoContrast work. I suggest replacing the 0.5% clipping values with
something much smaller, 0.2% for really low contrast images or 0.1%
(or less) for images where you get heavy clipping of
shadows/highlights using the Auto command.    This applies to
Photoshop and almost all other programs using autolevels/...

If I have time, I may get into this discussion of "reality". Perhaps
later :) But some manipulation is inherent in the medium of
photography, which is not real. It's not capturing whole reality (like
some painters were afraid first time photography came out), it's about
capturing its small slice. Good art uses any medium to its advantage,
so photography benefits from reductionary approach, IMO. Just
capturing a vista as the eye saw it is impossible (because eye sees in
many many small movements, while it sees the photograph printed as a
whole), and if anybody tried that (all the superlarge posters of
waterfalls), it usually accounted to no art and no reality as well!

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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