I admit I'm a little surprised by some of these comments.  I think it's
clear that the Baby D will have:

- a 6 MP sensor
- CF card storage
- plastic body, no metal chassis list the *istD
- pentamirror

less clear is whether or not they will include the firmware fix for the
K/M lense.  This assumes that the camera will have the DoF preview
feature, which is how the "fix" works.

I'd be really surprised at an SD card or less than a  6mp sensor. 
That's just what's available.  A lower MP , cheaper sensor might be an
advantage from a sales perspective since you could make a much cheaper
camera, but not of those cheaper sensors are APS sized.  With 35 mm
lenses, this would lead to an unacceptable crop factor.

I'm picturing a digital camera based on the MZ-60 or film *ist body. 
As a matter of fact the film *ist is configured like a DSLR with a large
LCD panel (B&W) on the back.  My wild guess is that they'll base the
Baby D on this body.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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