I got the first couple of rolls shot in earnest with my KX back yesterday.
They show 2 things: 1) M28/2.0 is fine at f/2.0 2) most of a stop of 
overexposure.  The overexposure helped the roll of fuji print film I shot,
but was a little hard on the velvia.

The most obvious cause of the problem is that the meter in the KX is a 
little off.  This is easy to compensate for, once I conclude exactly how 
far off it is.  I can rule out lens issues as I was shooting with three 
different lenses.  

There is one other possibility, given the mechanical shutter of the KX.
I was shooting a fairly narrow range of shutter speeds, 1/30th to 1/125th,
because it was a dark day and velvia is slow.  While I normally see 
shutter timing issues at high or low speeds, could it be that the middling
speeds of my KX are too slow, leading to overexposure of almost a stop?
Anybody else with a KX or similarly-shuttered camera (was there one?) 
experienced this?  Personally, I suspect a combination of the meter itself 
and faulty tone-analysis on my part.


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