Cotty wrote:
> >Adelheid and I are now at the Outer Banks on the coast of North
> >Carolina. We're staying at Kitty Hawk. This morning I rose with the sun
> >in hope to capture the Venus transit, and got lucky. The fog lifted just
> >in time to get the last part when Venus left the sun disk. Actually, the
> >fog turned to be an ally instead of an enemy, because the sun that shone
> >through was bleak and mute. And well within exposure range for the
> >*istD.
> >
> >So here's the pic:
> >
> Like, soooo great shot of Venus, mate. But you like sooo need to clean
> your sensor :-)
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
damn, cotty, you beat me to that wiseass comment.

Jostein, what a perfectly gorgeous shot

meanwhile, I wrote a little bit and sent it this
morning and it didn't show up on list.
oh well
annsan off to get pics from processor (except the

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