really - just snaps not "photographs" :) and a
couple of inside jokes for
the attendees

I got a couple of shots with slide film that were
not too bad and perhaps amusing
but I haven't been able to get to scanning them

Black and white not yet developed.

I hope Jostein, Mark and Bill Owens shared their 3
splendid digital shots
with youse that the printed out in camp.

Did Roberts post the group shot?

I'm hoping to see some around the campsite snaps
from you lot that was there...

Didn't get to visit enough with a number of folk -
wished the picnic area had 
not been "driving only" distance from the animal
habitat and the summit.

Didn't even get up tot he swinging bridge
(acrophobia) but did climb the
ladder to the Linville lookout, which was scary
enough - and not a shot
worthwhile to show for it.

The nameless plant was creeping out from under the
stairs of the guest cottage...
nah, it isn't what it looks like - relax

Ledo's pizza was every bit as good as the reports
- but much more like Chicago pizza than the NY
(the ORIGINAL Uno's is not to be missed)

It was great getting lullaby'ed to sleep on
Saturday night by guitars... I taped some of it
my tape recorder was so crappy it was mainly

It was a really delightful time - so sweet to have
people lending each other equipment and
sharing experiences and photos.  

And I now have lenses and filters that are clean,
too :)

I brought the Scrabble equipment (board and
protiles) but couldnt get any nibbles - even when
offered to let them gang up on me.)  I'm back in
Scrabbleland now .

Would love it if some of you who were at GFM would
forward their pieces about the weekend to
me - I'm just getting bits quoted now.

annsan out

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