In a message dated 6/10/2004 4:40:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Nice snaps Marnie! Almost puts all of you in my own backyard :) Priceless
capture of Bill Owens too.. Btw, what lens were you using for the third and
fourth shots on page 1? Interesting bokeh

Canon glass.

Not helpful, see? No, actually, now that I think about it might have been the 
Tamron 70-300 with a macro function (which I didn't use). I had the same lens 
when I had the ZX-5n and wanted it again. Actually, I am not sure, I kept 
switching lenses, it may have been Canon glass. But I had it on quite a bit 
during the weekend. Left it on all one day.

Anyway, I do recommend that one. I really like it.

Marnie aka Doe 

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