----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Dalal"
Subject: *istD Raw Converter

> Hey Folks,
> I haven't really been playing close attention to the discussion on
> converting RAW files from the *istD. The little bit I have read has
given me
> the impression that people aren't totally pleased with the Pentax
> and have been happier with the Photoshop CS converter. Has anyone
tried the
> C1 RAW Workflow Software featured on the
> website? The website indicates that it supports RAW files from the
> The LE version is $99. Just lookin' for a little feedback about
this piece
> of software.

The Pentax converter is just fine, although a bit of a nasty
interface, providing you want to make prints, rather than look at
pixels at 72 DPI.
I can't comment on the one you are looking at though.

William Robb

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