When I was there, they fed the otters, fish.  And no, it was not very
clean and neat, but the otters really went for it.


Saturday, June 12, 2004, 8:52:35 AM, you wrote:

Eac> In a message dated 6/12/2004 8:34:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Eac> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Eac> You have vegetarian otters in the USA?

Eac> mike
Eac> ---------------
Eac> That puzzled me. But both the otters and cougar were eating some kind of
Eac> melon. (I tried to keep the melon out of the shots because I thought it looked
Eac> zoo-like, but couldn't succeed with the otters.)

Eac> I guess it's a treat that both like. They were feeding them, really, so the
Eac> photographers could see them. But they probably have to feed them all the time
Eac> anyway. It's just that I am not sure that at other times they feed them
Eac> something as neat and discrete as melon.

Eac> Marnie aka Doe Hehehe.

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