Peter observed;
>How should I put this, close but no cigar.  Or in other words don't
>your day job.

Hi Peter,
Wouldn't dream of it. That'd change it from 5 minutes of PS'ing to
something my mortgage depended on.

...but while we're on the subject, what sort of an advertising slogan is
"Reliable gear for your travels" (IIRC) ?
I mean, it's not very emphatic, and it's a little odd having a slogan
for what is predominantly an optical company that doesn't mention the
optics. If all you want is reliable, use a pinhole camera. If they were
a vehicle manufacturer they'd probably have something like "Our cars
have wheels"

Considering their market share I'd go for something more daring.
Something like (to paraphrase a recent historical figure)
"It's all about the glass stupid"

Then again, I'm not going to give up my day job.
Have there been any Pentax slogans that have been any good?

Simon King wrote:

>>Babelfish sucks. I don't know why so many people use it.
>I'm not so sure, I found this from an 1986 Pentax advertising campaign.

>Did we only see this in Australia?
How should I put this, close but no cigar.  Or in other words don't quit

your day job.

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