Greg, I can't help you with the testing, but I thankyou for the detailed
information comparing the two lenses.

However, I do have a question - how is it that the DA 16-45 will work on
your film camera?  I was under the understanding that it was only suited to
the *istD and any other possible digital bodies that Pentax may release in
the future.  This was one of my main reasonings behind sticking, for now,
with the FAJ 18-35...


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Lovern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 20 June 2004 1:21 PM
Subject: DA 16-45 vs. Kiron 28/2.0

I finally got around to testing my DA 16-45 against my Kiron 28/2.0, on my
*ist D. I assumed the Kiron would do better, since its sharpness is
legendary and it is not a zoom, but I wanted to have a good idea of just
how much better before heading out on a vacation in a few weeks. I've been
very happy with both lenses, but haven't had time to run the DA 16-45
through my usual test.

On a previous film test of the Kiron, I'd found that it was very soft in
the corners when wide open, but otherwise very pleasing, and best overall
at f8.

My "test chart" is our kitchen wall-mounted spice rack. It certainly isn't
as precise as a real test chart, but it has the (for me) important
advantage of giving me a better idea of what real-world pictures from a
given lens will really look like.

For all shots, the *ist D was mounted on a tripod, was set to use mirror
lockup on the self-timer, and was triggered with the electronic cable
release. I used aperature priority and matrix metering. Since the Kiron is
a manual focus lens, I used manual focus on both lenses. I started with
the Kiron, then mounted the DA 16-45 and zoomed to precisely the same
field of view (and made sure to not budge the tripod). At the same field
of view as the Kiron, the DA 16-45 reported 26mm, rather than 28mm. I
decided that getting the same field of view was more important than
getting the DA 16-45 to report the same focal length as the Kiron. With
both lenses, I took a shot at every available f-stop and half-stop.

I only tested for subjective sharpness. I didn't notice any distortion or
any other problems in either lens. I don't really have the knowledge to
test for anything else, except any problems that jump out at me when
viewing the pictures.

I was surprised to find that the DA 16-45 was sharper than the Kiron
28/2.0 at all aperatures -- a lot sharper. The DA 16-45 is so much better,
I'm no longer interested in using the Kiron, especially since I can also
use the DA 16-45 on my film camera, without vignetting, at the Kiron's
focal length. I now plan to sell the Kiron on eBay whenever I can find the

The DA 16-45 was really amazing. The first time I went through the
pictures, I thought it was just as sharp wide open at f4 as at any other
aperature. Then, on closer inspection, I saw that it was very slightly
sharper at f8. It softened up noticeably (though not a lot) at f22. I was
amazed at how sharp it was in the corners, even wide open. I didn't know a
zoom could be this good, especially in this lens' price range.

Has anyone here compared the DA 16-45 to one of the better Pentax 28mm



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