On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Nenad Djurdjevic wrote:
> Steve Desjardins wrote:
> > I think we could see more of the f4 zooms.  Pentax can make an opticaaly
> > superior lens but keep the price down.  Although, to be honest,  a
> > lesser 2.8 zoom at Tokina prices might serve them better.  OTOH, slow
> > zooms might be a good paln with in-camera IS.
> How about an f2.8 DA zoom that goes from 45-140?  That would be the same as
> a 35mm 70-210 f2.8.  I would buy that!

Me too.  I'd take an f4 version too.

I'd love to see more high quality, one stop slower than pro, smaller
lenses for Pentax.  I think that this would fit in well with their
current direction.  That probably means that they won't do it.


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