I don't know about all the Takumar K-mount lenses, but I have used the Takumar K 
135/2.5.  In comparison to the M 135/3.5, I could see the difference on my 3x5 inch 
prints.  The Takumar was fuzzier in a non-flare situation.  This is why I avoid 
Takumar K-mount lenses.
Regards,  Bob S.

Really...How interesting!
I have a Tak K-mount 135/2.5 but have not used it.
I will look for the differences.
It's so easy to use my authentic Tak M42 135s (f/2.5 and f/3.5) on my K bodies, with the adapter, and I DO know how they record images!
Still, the Tak K 135/2.5 was so inexpensive, I figured "Why not?"


Keith writes:

All SMC gives you is freedom from flare and such... If you use an
otherwise capable non-SMC lens in less demanding situations, you can
still get excellent photographs. If they had made this lens with SMC
coatings, would the category immediately switch to "a great lens?"

Curious so many denigrate it...

keith whaley

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