Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 11:41:58 PM, Fred wrote:
>>> I'm looking for a second hand AF Pentax body. [snip] Would an SFX
>>> or Z70/PZ70 do the trick?

>> Other than the freight train sound my SF-1 makes when the shutter
>> is tripped,and the film advances,'m pretty satisfied with that
>> one.

F> ...and the SF1n/SFXn is significantly ~much~ quieter...

Huh? When I still had SFXn, it was _more_ louder than even friend's Canon EOS1v
(that's the proverbial cannon with 8 fps or so)!

No of the SF cameras were quiet... OTOH, they are nice (if bit ugly)
cameras with very good build quality compared to more recent models.
The internal chassis is metal, they have good viewfinder. But they
lack features like aperture display in viewfinder, more metering
modes, faster drive. And are loud, did I mention that :)

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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