frank theriault wrote:

Unfortunately, Boris,

The old man and his dog are little specks on my monitor. They really aren't part of the photo in any meaningful sense, at least not for me.

It's actually a pretty cool shot of the city through the trees. But the two figures on the grass neither add nor detract from the scene; they're non-entities to me.

Maybe if it were blown up realy big I could discern them, but not as is.

It's kind of like my Window Washers shot. Wrong focal length. Ya gotta either get in there closer, or get way back (and ignore the old guy and the dog and concentrate on the buildings through the trees.

Or, perhaps don't call attention to the old man and the dog at all!
Unless they're obvious—and they're not—it only detracts from the scene by doing so, because everybody sits there squinting their eyes, trying to see if they can resolve the two figures, instead of enjoying the park setting in the middle of the city!

keith whaley


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