
ft> I like it.  I'm not sure just why, but I find it
ft> strangely compelling.  An urban still life, I guess.

Oh sweet revenge. Now there is a shot that you like but cannot tell
why... You've been torturing me like this many times, Frank <g>... Now
I collect the debts...

First set is mine.

ft> Nice, sharp detail in the foreground, nicely fading
ft> focus.  Interesting composition:  I like the geometry
ft> of the bench slats "converging", I like the contrast
ft> of the round orange up front.  The bare branch seems
ft> to add some serendipity to the whole thing.

Nod, nod, and nod...

ft> B&W is the perfect choice for this - colour would have
ft> been too obvious, and this way we concentrate on the
ft> form, not the colour.

Frankly <g>, I shot b/w almost exclusively now. I simply cannot think
in terms of color any more. I am slowly growing down to basics <g>...

ft> I still don't know why I like this, but I do.

Second set is also mine.

ft> I have a still life that I've been sitting on for too
ft> long;  after all the people photos I've posted lately,
ft> I have to get that one printed up.  Thanks for the
ft> inspiration.

Oh, please post it. Really. Why not?

ft> I still am not sure why I like yours, but I do.  I
ft> find it pleasing.

Point, Set, and Match... <g>

Seriously however, I appreciate all you have said. Up to a certain
degree my feelings about this were the same. I rather liked it without
really knowing why...

Thanks again!


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