Leon Altoff wrote:

Hi Leon,

> Don't believe it when people tell you that digital storage 
> takes up less space.  I fit 54 raw files to a cd.  I have two 
> copies of each CD in different brands of cd with different 
> coatings (one silver one gold).  The difference is not that 
> great.  Maybe I should invest in a dual layer DVD burner.

I have an empty CD/DVD rack I bought on eBay last year that holds 440 of
them. What I am capturing and keeping on digital I will transfer from hard
disc to DVD, so it isn't a problem, at least for now!
> As for storing slides.  I keep mine in plastic boxes that 
> hold about 8 boxes of 36.  Each slide is individually 
> numbered and details of what is on each slide is kept on an 
> Access database with details of what is on each slide, when 
> it was take, categories etc and most importantly what box it 
> is in (or if it is on loan to someone).  It even shows me a 
> thumbnail of the slide if I happen to have scanned it at any 
> point.  I can search on any criteria that I have information 
> on.  It also has data on all my digital images, what CD it is 
> on and of course thumbnails of all of them.  The last thing I 
> added was macros to write the webpages for my next webpage 
> update (long over due).  I wrote it as a project to teach 
> myself about Access.

I can see I should have kept a record of such things as they returned from
processing, but we have been looking for another house again recently and
most of my stuff has been in some form of storage for some time. I can't
stand it any longer and am trying to get some order in everything - move or
not. I am not a great lover of the small boxes, but if you know where the
slide you are looking for is, fine. 
> It shouldn't really matter how you store them as long as you 
> have a system for keeping track of where they are.

LOL! I know that now...

What I want is a cabinet to store several thousand, although I have never
seen such a thing (if one even exists).


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