Oh look, Jostein, Markus and friends discussing OT: MS products! Hypocrites anyone?

On 8 Jul 2004, at 14:24, graywolf wrote:

I wonder if running the filter on the "Inbox" folder, then rerunning the same filter on the "Deleted Items" folder would not automatically and completely deep-six that mail?


Jostein wrote:

Hi, Markus.
I think that's the normal procedure... :-)
Some email programs have the option of purging the mails straight out without
leaving a copy in "Deleted Items". I can't check it at the moment (use webmail
at work), but I can't recall to have seen that option in OE. :-(
Quoting Markus Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi William and Mark
you define an Email-rule under --> Extras --> Rules Assistant --> Email in
Outlook Express that deletes messages containing
certain text.
It is easy to do, have a look.

Thanks for the answer, I don't think Outlook Express can do a total
Subject: Re: Filters work!!!!!

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-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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