On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Brian Walters wrote:

Great photo.  Perhaps I'd have cropped a bit more off the top and maybe cropped
out the slanted tree on the left rather than your alternative crop which takes a
bit off the bottom and a bit off the right.  I don't think the alternative crop
makes any significant difference to the original.

I have some other (unscanned) shots of this scene done in landscape where the image is pretty much as you describe, but i like the contrast (which is greater in the print/neg than in this scan) between the green at the top and water and rocks at the bottom - with the cropped/landscape versions you don;t get anywhere near so much impact.

However, I haven;t though about cropping - the course i recently did (which this was a submission to) didn't allow any cropping of prints (to force better in-camera composition on all the students) and as most of my photography over the last year has been for that the idea didn't cross my mind :)

I've remembered it now though...

I don't think the scanner has done a bad job - the rocks are not quite sharp on
my monitor but you probably couldn't sharpen too much without introducing
artifacts into the flowing water.

I apologised for my scanner before really examining the picture - this is an older scan (before the dust built up and the scanner got knocked around a bit) and seems to be fine. My more recent scans are another matter - i've learnt a load about dust and scratch removal in the last few weeks...


I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine you fears with less distraction
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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