I didn't receive the first message in this thread. However, I feel I should respond. First, I don't equate nudity in a photograph or painting with pornography. If this were the case, much of the art in Vatican City would have to be considered pornography. Michaelangelo's sculptures reveal far more of the human form than do my photographs. I'm not saying that my work is artful, but it is an attempt at art, and the human body has always been considered a fit subject for artistic representation. Perhaps more importantly, the link in the PDML contained a specific warning for those who would rather not see an undraped figure. I don't intend to leave the photos in my folder for very long. However, some may still wish to view them. But at the end of this day, I will remove them. By the way, I am a practicing Christian. My wife, incidentally, found the photos quite beautiful as did the mother of the young lady who modeled for me.
Paul Stenquist
On Jul 12, 2004, at 2:36 PM, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:

:----- Original Message -----
:From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:> #1 "Teats" is still commonly used in the agricultural community, particularly dairy production,
:> when speaking in mixed company. It's just the civil &:courteous thing to do.
:Interesting. I didn't know that. Mammalian glands on humans have names
:derived from the corresponding glands in other species in many languages, I
:think. More or less honourable...
:> #2 It would be appropriate, especially in a group of mixed world views, not to place links to such
:> material in PDML. Many of us have enough trouble keeping porn out of the house without it
:> being handed to us. (Yes, this is porn because of its clearly sensual content.)
:It would also be appropriate not to demand of everyone to look upon sensual
:content as porn. I, for one, differ strongly between the two.

I made no demand; just presented a term with an understood definition.
But I also cannot present my point by sacrificing my world view.
It's easy to obfuscate between "art" and "pornography", missing the point that
pornography is the nature of content and art is, generally, the character in which
content is presented.

:> #3 Your title and clearly sensual composition have absolutely nothing to do with the Biblical
:> account. This is a patent insult to those of Judeo-Christian heritage because it alters the
:> story from on of sin (which would lead to redemption) and makes it a display of mere sensuality.
:The process of biblical sayings diverging from it's original meaning started
:centuries ago. It's a natural process.
:Also, I don't see how you can take it upon yourself to speak for me with
:regards to the insult part. I'm certainly of Judeo-christian heritage and
:don't feel insulted at all.

But, to those who hold to the content of the Bible as truthful and trustworthy, it is.

:> #5. Don't keep confusing Puritan morality with the rest of Christianity.
:> That usage is nothing more than a perjorative.
:Sorry, Collin, but I don't think your post made things better in that
:respect. Coming from circles of a living faith, I see your point, but I
:don't think the message goes home. Personally, I'd say you come across as an
:angry member of List Police.

My only goal is to keep porn out of my house.

:With the anger peeled away I respect your stance, even if I don't agree with
:your view of this particular case.


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