On 13/7/04, D. Glenn Arthur Jr., discombobulated, offered:

>At the same time, I would like to ask that those of 
>us who perceive such requests as censorshop try to 
>refrain from jumping the gun on accusations of
>actual censorship, and to try to understand where
>the request is coming from, so that we might find
>solutions instead of just girding our loins for a
>fight.  "Censorship" is a pretty emotionally charged
>word these days, so even when it's partially
>applicable, saying it tends to make the other side
>get all defensive.  Yeah, we need to point out
>the censorial aspects, but try to do so gently so
>that others can see why you say it rather than
>just making them go, "No I'm not!"

Guilty as charged.


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