In some respects, Paul, I have to agree.  Even though I was out of
town for the past week and a half (still receiving pdml mail), I didn't see much to
comment on.  Those who join the flames can't seem to let well enough
alone.  When there is not a right or wrong side to the debate, just
a difference of opinion, one only needs to state their opinion ONCE.  On
top of that, when it concerns religion, politics and Operating
Systems, all opinions have been heard many times.  We don't need to
hear any opinions on those.  Been there, done that - been there, done
that - been there, done that...

Having been on the list for quite a few years, I would say the list is
going through one of those ugly growing/changing phases.  Hopefully it
will pass as others have passed and get back to what has always made
this list worth participating in.

The best we can do is ignore the noise and continue what is good about
the list.  Paul, I value your contributions very much and hope that
you will at least stay around and contribute when something worth
discussing comes up.  Keep up the PAW's - you have an amazing talent
and we can all learn from you.


Wednesday, July 14, 2004, 7:18:52 PM, you wrote:

PS> The list has become insane. The evidence is there for all to read.
PS> We've suffered a series of horrific off-topic flame wars. Apparently,
PS> this latest religious, political, philosophical flame war was initiated
PS> by my referencing a few rather tame nudes that I had posted on one of
PS> my own web pages. I referenced them in the hope that there might be
PS> some discussion regarding their photographic merit or lack of the same.
PS> I think there were two or three posts that actually said anything at
PS> all about the photos. Several hundred subsequent posts have hurled
PS> insults back and forth in regard to the moral and ethical beliefs of
PS> various list members. Some of the list veterans blame it all on the
PS> newcomers, yet the old-timers  continue to fan the flames, bragging
PS> about how they've kill filed one member or another. That, of course,
PS> incites another venemous response. This is sick. I want no part of it.
PS> I think there are some photography sites on the internet where rational
PS> discussions of photographic topics can take place. I'm going to see if
PS> I can find one.
PS> paul Stenquist

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