William Robb wrote:
> The fountain of knowledge has failed me miserably.
> I have just been given an Olympus P400 dye sub printer, and have a
> few questions....
> The colour coming off it is not quite right (no surprise), but the
> profiling available in the driver seems rather crude.
> The fellow who gave it to me suggested that I should set up a profile
> for it, he implied using Photoshop for this, but didn't know how to
> do this.
> Any answers?
> Thanks
> William Robb

I am only guessing that he meant to do soft proofing.  View the pic in proof 
mode, choosing the Oly ICC profile and adjust until it looks right then print.
I've found that without any adjustments the contrast is a touch on the low 
side and the colours tend to yellow/green. I guess the rather crude profiling 
in the driver stems from the fact that there is only one type of paper available.

Now for a  little tale.
I took my printer to use on-site at the German Shepherd Specialty Show I 
was photographing at the weekend. Due to an oversight on my part, I only 
had one ribbon and one pack of paper. I called my daughter to go to the shops 
for me on Saturday so that I would have enough to last through the Sunday 
too. First stop was Henry's.  She bought a pack of paper and asked about 
the ribbon. yes, we can get it but it will take two weeks was the reply, 
so off she went to a different shop and managed to buy a ribbon at $15 less 
that Henry's would have charged.
I happened to be in Henry's yesterday and noticed that they had an Olympus 
print kiosk set up in the shop. Guess what they were using to print out 8x10s 
- the 440 (400 replacement, but takes same media). I asked one of the assistants 
about where they got the stock for the printer if they didn't actually have 
it in stock themselves. She then produced a ribbon from underneath the counter 
"one of these you mean?"

The best thing about this printer is people's reactions when they see it 
working. Usually, the first thing they say is "oh, there's something wrong 
with your printer, it's only printing in yellow". Hee hee.


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