Luckily, this time they are only 'ornery' and not horny.

Chaos ensues when ornery roos turn horny.....

Seriously though, they can be a tad 'ornery' sometimes. However, they tend to be more afraid of humans the less tame they are. If the newspaper article refers to Kangaroos that live in urbanised parks, they become quite accustomed to humans, and also become very demanding in relation to food stuffs carried by passing humans. They will come right up and ask for it...which sometimes takes the form of an agressive grunting sound (not unlike some other agressive bipeds that I know).
In the 'wild' (i.e. away from urban environments) the only Kangaroo that a human will normally get close too is a dead one. They are off like the proverbial shot once humans are too close for comfort...



Joseph Tainter wrote:

According to the Albuquerque Journal today "Urban residents in parts of southeastern Australia were warned to stay away from mobs of ornery kangaroos...."

Yikes! Ornery kangaroos. That sounds worse than a flame war. Is there anything we can do to help?

Just remember: Always save the camera first.


Dr. Shaun Canning
P.O. Box 21, Dampier, WA,
6714, Australia.

m: 0414 967644

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