I seem to be getting a lot of that lately. Strangely Thunderbird will say it is downloading 33 messages, and then only 27 will show up. Maybe my ISP has a new spam filter running (I am getting way less spam than before) and it is eating regular messages as well.


Don Sanderson wrote:

In the pastI've had a few posts not get to the list and a few from others I
didn't get.
But tonite I've read at least 15 responses that made no sense because I
never got the post they were responding to.
Is this a sporadic thing?, is there something I can do differently?
Obviously others got the posts, since they responded.
My ISP is me so I know nothing is being filtered or blocked.
It's like reading a book with whole pages missing!


-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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