tom writes:

> I was pulling the ZX-5n and 77mm out of the car this a.m. when I dropped
> it. It fell about 3 feet onto asphalt, with the lens striking 1st. After
> the 1st hit, it bounced a couple of times. The sound was truly
> sickening.

 I'm just about surprised you didn't have a heart attack on the spot :(  The 
furthest I've dropped a camera is a few inches onto carpet and that was 
enough for me.

> No damage except for a ding in the lens cap.

 I guess it passed the drop-test then.  You should be glad you didn't have it 
attached to a heavier body.  If my 43mm lands lens-first with a K2 behind it, 
it won't be a pretty sight!

> Try that with your Nikon 45mm!

 I would love to >;)


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E.

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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