
I'm honored.
I haven't shot B+W in ages.
Even tho this image was captured on velvia, it is almost B+W in the original
capture (the white has some blue in it. While getting this ready for
printing in Photoshop, I played with it in LAB mode and decided I liked the
B+W effect

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gianfranco Irlanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: August PUG is available - early

> Thanks very much Adelheid, as usual, for the effort (and many
> thanks to Jostein too).
> Interesting PUG, what surprises me is the amount of colour shots
> converted into B&W...
> At a first glance I can say that I absolutely love Kenneth's
> "North Face (of Denali)". Very well executed and quite surreal.
> Other shots are worth mention but I have no time now (2:33 a.m.)
> to go on commenting...
> Ciao,
> Gianfranco

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