
ft> Just fired off a resume/application to a local firm
ft> that's looking for a catalogue photographer
ft> (full-time, employee position).

ft> Maybe I should have named this list-at-large as a
ft> reference <vbg>.

ft> Wish me luck;  I've applied for several
ft> non-photography jobs, this is the first photo job I've
ft> taken a shot at.

ft> I read that Elliott Erwitt made his money doing
ft> advertising photography, and that his street stuff
ft> (for lack of a better word) was what he considered his
ft> hobby.  In fact, he called his Leica his "hobby
ft> camera" <g>.

ft> Not that I'd dare mention myself in the same breath as
ft> Elliott, but if he had to finance his "hobby"
ft> photography with a mundane job, I guess that's good
ft> enough for me.

ft> Now all I have to do is get the job.  Oh well, back to
ft> the on-line job search (it's pissing rain today, so
ft> it's an indoor day <g>).

Frank, you're hereby wished all the luck I can think of from this
Middle Eastern spot of the globe.

Go for it, man! You can get it. I am sure may PDMLers would agree to
give you reference. Me included.

As I said - good luck!


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