William Robb wrote:

Tom, if you want discipline, find a dominatrix. :`)

My wife? :)

Seriously though, Rob is correct. You can take a disciplined approach
no matter what format of camera you are using, but you have to refuse
to take the shortcuts of convenience.

I agree.

However, you can do everything right with 35mm or small format
digital (best lenses, rock stable tripod, etc) and still be wasting
your time if the format isn't giving you what you want.

I agree.

A 6x7II isn't going to force much discipline on you, it still allows
for auto exposure.

Personally, I don't find much difference between using a metered-manual vs. auto exposure mode. In either case I'm largely relying on the meter to tell me when exposure is correct, for the shutter speed and/or aperture I've chosen. I suppose some would say a meter is an unwelcome imposition of technology. :)

It will force you to focus the lens yourself, and thats about it.
It will teach you to shoot with fewer focal length opportunities,
which is something both useful and frustrating.
Most of the discipline it will teach you is similar to what you would
get on a forced march: carrying a heavy weight over a long distance.

I don't know unless I try it right? Think I'll go watch The Bridge Over the River Kwai...

Tom C.

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