Here is a shot taken at the Pima Air Museum, near Tucson.  I was down there
about a year ago, on a VERY HOT day.  I sought relief in the shade of this
old B-52 and noticed an interesting view with one of the engine pods.

This old warriors probably went on hundreds of training flights before
flying down to Tucson, having their guts stripped out, and then parked in
the desert.

As always, comments, of all type, welcome.  Not an award winning shot.  Just
interesting to me.  Maybe to you.

Notes:  ZX-L, Fuji Provia 100, Phoenix 19-35mm lens (the cheapie).  The film
had a hard time handling the latitude between the shade and the blistering
dirt.  The area beyond the plane could be darkened in Photoshop a bit.

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