Just a quick note about my trip westward last week - to those interested,

I had to go to Ft. Worth for work.  At least it got me out of here for a
bit... and it was a fruitful trip.

I made the trip to San Antonio to meet with a friend the evening of arrival.
OT here but it was a good time catching up, we will not even mention the
night that we tried to solve the world's problems.  We came pretty close :-)
Unfortunately, there were no San Antonio PDMLers that contacted me about a
get together, [ERN did, but she and her family were out of town :-( ]
I wonder about the others - I really am not that bad.  I even had a
recommendation from Frank - oops, that may have worked against me :-)  Sorry
Frank, too easy.

I then proceeded to the Houston area to meet with family.  Some of them I
have not seen in over 15 years!!!  Took a few snaps, celebrated a birthday,
played on some swings with my cousin while going out for a walk.  After that
was done I made it to Houston itself.
There I met up with Norm.  He was the ultimate host!  We will not even talk
about the size of the steaks he grilled... His kids were entertaining!  It
was a grand time.  And to think of it, we did not talk of the PDML or
photography at all.  My cameras never made it out of my bag.  I did get to
peruse a book of anonymous b&w photos of old Sao Paolo that he had.  Hmmm,
maybe a trip south is in order?
I feel it was a friendship that began on this list and was built upon at
Grandfather Mountain.  This list is definitely a wonderful place!!!

As for Dallas/Ft. Worth, no PDMLers to be found there.  A PDMLer's brother
was close by, but I had my schedule full of visits with old friends...
maybe next time.

I did not have much time to take photos other than snapshots of family and
downtown Ft. Worth.  I shot only one roll of slide film with my LX.  The
rest of the shots were with the *ist D.  There were about 160 shots taken
with it.  There were a couple with the Optio S too.

Enough rambling for now...

I think I have given up on the old messages,

Panama City, Florida

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