I got one of these lenses a few years ago for $100 a millimeter!  I used it
a few times but found it just too heavy for my Tiltall tripod.  I got good
results, however.  I got the cannon to add to my collection of SMC Takumar
lenses.  I personally like the SMC 300mm Takumar because it has auto
aperture.  The 400mm SMC Takumar is also good - and much lighter.
Would you see another if you didn't buy it?  I once saw a 1000mm SMC Pentax
K mount lens.  Haven't seen another.  Had it been an SMC Takumar I would
have purchased it.
Good luck!

Jim A.

> Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 09:06:46 -0500 (CDT)
> Subject: feedback wanted--SMC Takumar 500/4.5
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 10:34:44 -0400
> I stumbled upon a store offering a 500/4.5 SMC Takumar screw-mount lens
> for $700 in very good shape the other day.  I'm a little nervous about
> buying it, for a couple of reasons.
> 1) From what I've seen of K-mount 500s and the few M42 500s I've seen $700
> appears to be a fair price, but it is a little steeper than I'd like.
> Is this a reasonable price?  If I don't buy it, will I ever see another
> one for sale outside of e-bay?  I'd actually prefer one a little more
> banged up to get the price down.
> 2) 4 elements in 4 groups, with no mention of ED glass or anything.  This
> makes me very leery of optical quality compared to the Nikkor big glass
> that I am used to (which normally has at least twice as many elements,
> with 3-4 of them being ED).  Of course the 200/3.5 Takumar has a very
> similar construction, and it isn't at all bad optically.
> Can anyone speak to the optical quality of this design,
> especially if you've experienced modern Canon/Nikon 300/400/500/600 ED
> fast lenses?  I've seen some suggestions that the standard glass, simple
> design is going to produce chromatic abberation or color fringing and
> this is going to really annoy any digital camera it gets mounted on.
> 3) No internal focusing and a focusing ring behind the tripod mount
> suggests that this lens is going to be a bit cumbersome to follow-focus,
> even without the annoyance of trying to focus an f/4.5 lens on the dim
> spotmatic screens.  Given that the only uses I can imagine having for a
> 500/4.5 involve things that move, this strikes me as a possible
> showstopper.
> On a related note, anybody know who made the Sears 300/5.5?  The off-brand
> lenses page notes a couple of 300/5.5s on the market at one time, and I'd
> have to assume that they were actually all the same design, made by
> one of the Tokina/Sigma/Tamron/Kiron crowd.  Anybody used one of these
> things by any name?  It's cheap enough to be tempting if it doens't
> absolutely stink.

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