I read with great interest what people here say about HCB and
Of course, good or bad sample photo links would add a lot for me and make
some point of views clearer and spicier too :-)

I'm positive influenced on photo journalism, because one of my personal
favorite photos from my younger days
is a press photo published in a Keystone book back in 1981 ;-) Okay, that's
not the real reason, but a good one!

I would love to and surely could learn a lot from HBC and other
photographers, sometimes it is hard to teach yourself
I often catch the right moments, but all of my photos still have technical
shortcomings, so they remain (just)loved snapshots for me.

Have a look at an example of good photo journalism imho:
The photographer is unknown to me, the Book is called "Zurich against
Zurich" - Zürich gegen Zürich:


1981 Zurich, a protest march of 6000 demonstrants against the subsidize of
the local Opera with 60 million Swiss francs and no money or space for
alternative culture in return are stopped on the bridge near Lake Zurich.
300 Police men are prepared
to enforce law and order. A well known evangelic priest (Ernst Sieber)
achieves an armistice agreement for 10 minutes and everything went by
peaceful means *this* time. The demonstrations of the youth where the most
violent and longest in the history of Switzerland later....



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