Don askes:
>>Have I just not experienced a "Great" 135 or is this lens being unfairly treated?


I've run some subjective tests with Pentax 135's.  The A135/1.8 was best, followed by 
the K135/2.5, followed by the M135/3.5, with the Takumar A?135/2.8 bayonet in last 
place.  I could see the differences on 4x6 prints.

I think the issue is that the M135/3.5 is so good and cheap, why waist your time with 
the Takumar bayonet?  Some folks have stumbled into these lenses and use them as their 
135mm prime.  The results are OK if that's the only 135mm prime you have and probably 
beat that zoom everyone else is using.

Regards,  Bob S.

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