> John Francis wrote:
> > I don't know - peer pressure (or just fear of appearing stupid)
> > can be a pretty compelling thing.  I would imagine it would take
> > a fairly bold poster to speak out here against a photograph from
> > Shel or Frank, say, especially after a dozen or so posts saying
> > "stunning!", "brilliant!", and the like.
> If I see a photo I don't like but have something constructive to say, 
> I'll say it.  I think that's been the case for (occasional) photos by 
> Shel and Frank in the past.  Generally I either like a photo and know 
> why or don't like a photo and can't see a simple way of improving it, 
> though.  (Apart from "learn to focus!", or whatever... :-P )

I wasn't trying to suggest that we never see negative comments about
Shel's work (or Frank's, apart from the obligatory "learn to focus!").
Just that it's a lot easier to sit quietly and say nothing than to
come out and say "that shot of the two young folk sitting on the
sidewalk (or the old lady on the wall, or the man on the barstool, or ...)
was supremely uninteresting.  I wouldn't have taken it, and if I had
I wouldn't ever have considered it worth showing to anybody else"
I'm sure the same can be said about some of my photographs, too
(OK.  It's a car.  Big deal.  Oh, look - another car.  Thrilling.)

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