Heck, that's nothing. I hand hold my 600mm on Bulb!

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: Re: Aaron Reynolds

> I do to Bill .I 'm still good for 1/60 anyway.lol
> Dave     
>      > For those curious souls, I am in contact with the 
> man himself from
> > time to time.
> > Life is still good, the store goes on.
> > He is still shooting with the 6x7, and sneers at all things digital.
> > Oh yes, he specifically wanted me to mention that it is still hand
> > holdable at 1/30th. with no voodoo or trickery involved.
> > 
> > He and his lovely wife are expecting their first born to arrive
> > sometime later this year.
> > 
> > 
> > William Robb
> > 
> > 

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