----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: Re: LX vs K2dmd vs Super Program (update)

> Well, when I actually TESTED my 50s I found that the M 50/2 is a
> good performer, plus it's cheap and very small.  None of the above
> be said for A 50/1.2 from what I've heard (I sold mine a while
> before I had a chance to test it.)

The A 50mm  f/1.2 is pretty soft wide open (though much better than
the Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 that I replaced with the Pentax lens), and is
only ok until about f/8, at which point it is very good indeed.

> So, while you might pick up a faster Pentax 50 which is a LITTLE
> (I'd suggest A/1.4 or A/1.7--at least the M50/1.4 is an older
design and
> reputedly not as good) I don't think you'll be disappointed by the
A 50/2
> (assuming it is the same as M50/2) and I'd recommend putting money
> a better telephoto or wider wide if you find the need for that.

All the Pentax 50mm lenses in the f/1.4 to f/2 range are good lenses
(perhaps the K55mm f/1.8 is the exception, it isn't all that
wonderful until well stopped down).
Of all the ones I have, I think the K 50mm f/1.4 is the "sharpest",
the M 50mm f/1.4 is the "creamiest" (for lack of a better term), the
FA 50mm f/1.4 seems most excellent, but I haven't shot a lot with it
yet, and the 1.7s and f/2s in whatever series all seem very good as
I don't have many samples of each, but I have almost a dozen 50mm
lenses in various places around the house, so I have been able to
test (as much as I test anything) more than one sample of most

William Robb

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