I've noticed the difference between a "New" MF lens and a well used lens of the same model. Lenses become easier focus I would use
the term silkier with use.

Alan Chan wrote:

Maybe I am so used to those light weighted focus rings of AF lenses, I have to tell myself to apply a little more force when using the 15/3.5. Otherwise, it just refuses to rotate (maybe mine is a little heavier than normal?). I once used a friend's Rollei 6003. The 1st thing I noticed was how difficult it was to turn the focus ring. They felt like being jammed by some melting candy underneath. They certainly gave my fingers quite an exercise. <g>

Alan Chan

BTW I bought my A15/3.5 new some years back and it's always behaved as you
describe. I bet the Leica 15/3.5 feels better mechanically I probably wouldn't
have bought one of those given that they retail for a mere US$6k :-)

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