Hi Jens & List,

> Pat, can you post samples from scans made with the Minolta Dimage Scan
> 5400

I have two scans of the same slide at:

I am not an expert scanner, so please do not judge the 5400 on these scans

At the moment I am trying to put 10 to 15 of my best 35mm slides onto CD to
submit as a trial batch to the Alamy online picture library (
http://www.alamy.com/default2.asp ). My inspiration is Roger Antrobus's
excellent book "Photographs that Sell and Sell..." - he maintains that the
35mm format can be sold to picture editors if ALL aspects of the submission
(technical and creative) are A1 - that's my goal at present. If I can make
some money from selling 35mm stock then I will have no problem convincing my
wife Therese of the merits of purchasing the Pentax 6x7II system ;)

Two points I would be grateful for help on:

1) Can anyone recommend a good book on getting the best from film scanners?

2) Are there any contributors to Alamy picture library on the list - if so
can you let me have your opinion on them and any other libraries you deal

My thanks to all who welcomed me onto the list.

Have a good week.


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