I'd take the M28/2.0.  I recently acquired the K30/2.8 and like what results I have 
seen, but the M28/2.0 seems just as good to me.  Mind you, I haven't done any formal 
testing, but the M28/2.0 seems to be as good as any wide Pentax makes from the K28/3.5 
to the K30/2.8 or either 24/2.8.  I've never had a K28/2.0, but don't think much of 
the big, clunky design.  Take the M28/2.0 and be happy with those 49mm filters.  
England is dark and wet anyway... ;-)

Regards,  Bob S.

DJE wrote:
>>... I can't decide between my K30 and the M28/2 that I
unexpectedly stumbled across too cheap to resist.  I haven't shot much with either 
lens and I'm not sure I'm going to get much of a chance to shoot with them before next 
year's planned trip to England, so I figured I'd ask for advice.

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