7mb?  thats only enough for a couple of good jpgs, or about 1/2 a raw file!

Thanks, Cotty. I have 7 mb of cf cards, mostly borrowed, plus my new FA 77 and assortment of other lenses, so I do plan to take many pics. Hoping for clear weather. Trip lasts 11 days, but 3 of those are travel, plus a mandatory conference (my excuse for going, and how the trip gets paid for), so I expect to have about 4 days for photography -- 2 for Budapest, 1 for Lake Balaton region, 1 for the Danube Bend region. The last has a "skansen" (park where examples of peasant architecture are collected), so the shooting should be fun.

I have resolved to stop ranting about Pentax and put them out of my mind...for a while. And I have never doubted that the DA 14 will show up a day or two after I depart.


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