If that's only 13% of the potential quality I am very, very impressed!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John C. O'Connell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:28 PM
> Subject: LF "Quality" posted! , WAS: 35 vs digi - Some points to ponder.
> I know I just said it is impossible to display
> a LF image on a PC screen but here is a sample 4X5 negative
> reduced to 12 Mpixels and jpegged down to about 2.5 Mbytes.
> The original is around 90 Mpixels and 270 Mbytes
> so it is a lot better but this still gives you
> some idea of the details you get by getting away
> from small and medium format.
> Be sure to view it 1:1 ( you will have to scroll around
> to view it). Newer browsers will automatically try
> to reduce it to fit screen but that defeats the
> whole purpose ( but it does demonstrate how
> screen resolutions are crap!)
> http://www.jcoconnell.com/temp/barge12mp.jpg
> Warning: it is about 2.5 Mbytes file size.
> Might take a while on a 56K internet connection.
> Pentax doesn't make LF lenses, this was with a
> nice 120mm F8 Nikkor-SW I have on Portra 160NC
> film. 

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