On 1 Sep 2004 at 13:23, Frantisek wrote:

> I recall seeing discussions on this issue. Apparently, some (most?)
> DSLR have different tone curves that slightly underxpose. Or a
> different explanation (which deteriorates into "holy war" on some
> sites, about the "18% gray" standard and how it is measured. IIRC,
> lightmeters are not calibrated to "18% reflectivity" but to a standard
> light source. This might make the difference. For my DSLR, I uploaded
> a different tone curve which brightens the midtones slightly, making
> the histogram peak at centre. It works for some subjects, for some it
> is too contrasty.

If I expose to preserve highlight detail I usually pull contrast down to 
minimum and modify the gamma to restore the brightness balance, sometimes I 
need to resort to curves but it usually always provides decent outcome. 
Shooting digital is quite different to shooting film and the 18% (or whatever 
it is) gray metering point is largely irrelevant, not clipping the sensor and 
minimizing noise is important.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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