
It is interesting what has happened to the concept of "freedom" over the last couple 
of centuries.  This Greate Experiment promised the "freedom to..." and tried to build 
a solution around self-government (Federalism coupled with free moral agency ala John 
Calvin) to enhance that Opportunity.  Despite its weeknesses and failings, it has 

Follow this with a redefinition of freedom that excluded free moral agency and a 
restriction of Federalism and individual morality to a societal (collective) 
responsibility and economy.  (By economy I do not mean monies but the systematic.) 
This is the enlightened secularization of Kant/Hegel/Marx that led to the 
establishment of varioius degrees of Socialism (both Communism and National).

People are now convinced that real freedom is "freedom from...", with restrictions 
being placed on opposition and conflict, rather than "freedom to..." where they create 
their own opportunities.  The implicit contractiction here is clear -- others will 
want to be as free from you as you want to be free from them.  Both senses of freedom 
disapper automatically and you end up with neither.

In principle you may be free from the harshness of Communism but not the economy.  The 
Socialist paradigm does not acknowledge your individual freedoms.  You're right -- 
your freedoms are still restricted.

To make the point more practical in one's daily life ...
The "Off" switch is as powerful as your "kill file".
You should make the choice or delegate it.
If the collective makes it for you (or you delegate it), then you're still not free.  
Thank socialism.
If you choose to kill my messages, then you agree with me.
(Fascinating paradox, isn't it?)  


BobS> Frantisek,
BobS> Advertising at it's most basic is a form of communications designed to inform 
BobS> about products.  It performs a very useful function in modern society.  
BobS> Don't tell Paul his lifework is worthless.  How would you feel if somebody said 
BobS> Physics is a load of crap and we could get along fine without any more of it 
BobS> keep engineers).  What have quarks done for me lately?
BobS> Perhaps the old communist societies had nothing to sell, no consumer products to 
BobS> the public, and thus didn't have much use for advertising.  
BobS> Remember there are people who are not bothered by advertising because they do 
BobS> watch TV.  (I find this difficult as you quickly become poorly informed about 
BobS> things.)
BobS> Regards,  Bob S.
BobS> Frantisek offered:
BobS> PS> thinking about the message, but it sticks. It doesn't mean they're
BobS> PS> stupid, it must means they absorb little bits of information on the
BobS> PS> fly. That's how advertising works. It's not about presenting logical
BobS> PS> arguments. That job falls to the press.
BobS> Concept of Memes. Virus. I don't like any viruses in my mind. No thank
BobS> you.
BobS> PS> Fine. But advertising works for many consumers. Advertising is part of
BobS> PS> what makes a free market economy function. It's part of how I earn my
BobS> PS> living. I don't care if you don't like it. Nor do the majority of free
BobS> PS> people in the world. Tightly regulated socialist and communist
BobS> PS> societies prohibit advertising of goods and services. The freedoms that
BobS> PS> are allowed by any society are a matter of choice, and it's a choice we
BobS> PS> all have to make.
BobS> Oh Paul, stop it. Since when are you the speaker for "the majority of free
BobS> people in the world" ? Since when are people who don't like
BobS> advertising are associated with socialist and communist totalities?
BobS> I see the "freedoms" you offer us as totalitarian. What freedom at
BobS> all? Damn, what choice do I have to turn of the adverts? There is less
BobS> and less choice in that "free society" of yours. And if you'd label me
BobS> as socialist, let me tell you, I come from a country which suffered 40
BobS> years under communism, we know totality very well, and we have
BobS> sensitive noses for snuffing new forms of it.
BobS> Others: sorry for the politics, but such self-assumed message makes me
BobS> hot. If Paul hadn't pursued the topic of politics himself, I might not
BobS> have boiled off.

'If you can make the choice then you are free, no matter what 1+1 equals.'
-- just me

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